Oil and Gas Prices

October 09, 2023
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the U.S. is preparing to crack down on evasion of the Group of Seven’s price cap on Russian oil, as recent market prices signal that the mechanism may no longer be working as hoped.
September 26, 2023
CEO Vicki Hollub said she hadn’t seen evidence of demand destruction yet. Even if oil prices do top $100 a barrel, she doesn’t expect them to stay there long enough to start eroding demand.
September 19, 2023
Wirth has held a bullish view on oil for some time. In March, he cited a combination of dwindling spare production capacity around the world and the anticipation that China’s economy will pick up speed again.
September 19, 2023
Market expectations indicate that oil prices will “stabilize and move down” over time, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, adding that that was her own hope and expectation also.
September 18, 2023
“Proactive, preemptive and precaution — these three words will address how we are attending to the situation knowing there are uncertainties coming from multiple directions,” Prince Abdulaziz said during a discussion at the World Petroleum Congress in Calgary.
September 04, 2023
West Texas Intermediate rose as much as 1.9%. Brent also climbed. Prices also gained as U.S. jobs data indicated wages were rising slower than forecast, taking the pressure off the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates.
August 16, 2023
nverus Intelligence Research (EIR), a subsidiary of Enverus, has released its latest quarterly FundamentalEdge report focused on global drivers for oil and gas prices to 2030, the five-year oil and gas supply and demand outlook, and price forecasts.
July 28, 2023
Almost exactly two years ago, bp Plc shocked the global oil market by saying that its most important pricing benchmark — the North Sea crude price Dated Brent — was experiencing “regular dislocations.”
July 07, 2023
Johan Sverdrup, the single largest crude stream in the North Sea, is a relatively dense and sulfur-rich type of oil —- properties that normally mean it trades below Dated. However, Saudi Arabia hiked the premiums it charges for its own barrels — which are similar to the Norwegian grade, triggering the price surge, the traders said.
June 30, 2023
Riyadh surprised oil traders earlier this month when it announced the extra cutback, which came on top of curbs it was already making with fellow OPEC+ producers. The supply reduction will take effect in July, with the possibility of extensions.
June 2023
Crude prices fell in May despite a 1.16-MMbopd reduction by OPEC+ in April, and a 503,000-bopd cut by Saudi Arabia and Russia in May.
May 2023
Crude prices surged in April after OPEC+ announced it was slashing output by 1.16 MMbopd as a precautionary measure targeted at stabilizing oil markets.
May 2023
Despite reasonable oil price levels, U.S. upstream activity is being restrained by inflated equipment/supply costs, residual lags in the supply chain, and, perhaps most of all, manpower issues.
May 04, 2023
WTI Midland joined the Dated Brent benchmark on Tuesday, in an effort to revamp a gauge that is used to set the price of more than two-thirds of the world’s crude. So far, that integration has proved successful.
April 29, 2023
As dealmaking starts to heat up in the industry, Pioneer, one of the dominant independent explorers in the prolific Permian Basin, will have a “high bar” to make acquisitions, Rich Dealy said in an interview with Bloomberg Television.
April 13, 2023
World markets may be under supplied by about 2 MMbpd in the fourth quarter as a result of cutbacks announced by Saudi Arabia and its partners, according to figures in a report from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
April 11, 2023
Net-long positions in Brent crude jumped by more than 73,000 contracts in the week to April 4, according to data from ICE Futures Europe. The only other time a bigger net-inflow occurred was in late-2016, which also followed unexpected output curbs from OPEC that ultimately led to the creation of OPEC+.
April 10, 2023
One oil exchange-traded fund saw its largest one-day outflow in more than three years, a possible sign that some investors remain concerned about the outlook after OPEC+ delivered an unexpected supply cut.
April 10, 2023
Oil steadied as traders assess challenges to crude supply in the wake of planned output cuts by OPEC+ and in anticipation of news on when Iraq may resume exports from its northern fields.
April 03, 2023
Several OPEC+ members shocked the market over the weekend, announcing further voluntary supply cuts. These cuts were announced ahead of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee meeting scheduled for April 3, where the expectation was that the committee would recommend keeping output policy unchanged.
April 03, 2023
The goal is to provide greater cost transparency and help shield the LNG market from the kinds of price swings that battered the TTF futures market last year, which sent energy bills soaring for consumers.
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