Petrobras discovers new oil accumulation at Poço Verde area, in Sergipe Basin
RIO DE JANEIRO -- Petrobras informs that well 3-SES-189, located at BM-SEAL-4 concession, discovers new oil accumulation in Sergipe Basin´s ultra-deep waters.
The well, informally known as Poço Verde 4, is located at 23.5 km from the discovering well, at 2.479 m of water depth, and it is located at 5.350 m deep. The company will proceed with drilling operation up to 5.350 m, as scheduled.
The reservoirs, light oil carriers with the highest market value, have total thickness of 85 m and they are at good conditions of porosity and permeability.
Such well is the third drilled at Poço Verde area, whose discovery occurred on July 2012. This area is part of the exploratory project in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, at ultra-deep waters, which has another five evaluation plans.
Petrobras, which is the consortium operator (75%), in partnership with ONGC (25%), will perform a test (TFR) to evaluate the results and to confirm reservoir conditions and production potential.
Furthermore, the Discovery Evaluation Plan (DEP) will carry on, as approved by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).