
September 22, 2015
Argos Exploration Limited, a subsidiary of Argos Resources Limited, has completed a farm-out agreement with Noble Energy Falklands Limited and Edison International in respect of its license PL001.
May 28, 2015
Premier Oil has struck oil at the Isobel Deep exploration well, 14/20-1, in the North Falkland basin, approximately 30 km south of Sea Lion field.
May 12, 2015
Falkland Oil and Gas Ltd. has announced that the technical issues relating to the blow-out preventer (BOP) control system on the 14/20-1 'Isobel Deep' well (operator-Premier Oil) offshore Falkland Islands have now been fully resolved and drilling operations have recommenced.
April 24, 2015
Premier Oil’s Isobel Deep exploration well offshore the Falkland Islands has been temporarily suspended, Falkland Oil and Gas Limited, a partner in the well, reports.
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