Texas regulator plugs over 1,000 orphan oil and gas wells in 2024

September 08, 2024

(WO) – According to the Railroad Commission of Texas, the agency plugged 1,012 orphan wells in Fiscal Year 2024 using state funds. This exceeded the fiscal year’s goal of plugging 1,000 wells with state funds, making it the eighth year in a row in which the RRC has surpassed its legislative target.

State funds that are used by the RRC to plug wells are from oil and gas industry revenue, including, but not limited to, well plugging reimbursements, fees and bonds or other financial securities paid by the industry.

“We continue to be a national leader in addressing orphaned wells,” said Danny Sorrells, RRC Deputy Executive Director.

“Our extensive well plugging experience dates to 1984, and elements of our program, such as a prioritization system that ensures high-risk, high-priority wells are plugged, have been copied by other states. The design of RRC’s plugging program and our dedicated staff help us quickly work to protect groundwater around the state.”

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