Oil and gas trade group calls on U.S. presidential candidates to “unleash” America’s energy security

June 17, 2024

(WO) – The American Petroleum Institute (API) released a new policy roadmap to unleash America’s energy security and help reduce inflation. Ahead of the first presidential debate, API is calling both candidates, as well as policymakers on both sides of the aisle, to leverage America’s energy resources to help protect consumers and cement U.S. energy leadership.

“At a time of persistent inflation and geopolitical instability, the American people need more affordable energy and less political gamesmanship,” API President and CEO Mike Sommers said. “Reliable, affordable energy policy will support American families and businesses in the fight against inflation. Yet misguided policies and heavy-handed regulations, particularly over the past four years, threaten to undermine our existing energy advantage, potentially increasing costs and jeopardizing a key pillar of American leadership.”

The five actions policymakers can take today to secure American energy leadership, protect consumers and help reduce inflation include:

  1. Protect consumer choice.
  2. Restore the role of American energy in bolstering our geopolitical strength.
  3. Leverage our abundant natural resources.
  4. Fix our broken permitting system.
  5. Advance sensible tax policy.

“As the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas, we bring stability in a time of chaos, making our industry the envy of the world,” Sommers said. “This critical framework highlights our commitment to maintaining America’s energy advantage for decades to come.”

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