API commends court decision to prevent oil and gas shutdown in Gulf of Mexico

World Oil staff October 21, 2024

(WO) — The American Petroleum Institute (API) issued the following statement from Senior Vice President and General Counsel Ryan Meyers after a federal court granted the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) more time to complete a new biological opinion for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and avoid significant consequences for American energy security.

“We welcome the court’s pragmatic decision to allow NMFS more time to complete a new biological opinion for oil and natural gas operations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Today’s ruling provides only temporary relief and work still must be done to avoid disruptions to the backbone of our nation’s energy supply. We stand ready to work with NMFS and offer our industry's expertise to complete a new biological opinion that balances environmental protection and the world’s growing need for affordable, reliable energy.”

Earlier this year, the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland vacated the NMFS 2020 Biological Opinion for Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas activities (BiOp) effective December 20. By vacating the BiOp without allowing enough time for NMFS to issue a new one, the court decision had threatened to shut down new and existing oil and natural gas operations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

Energy production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico is critical for not only meeting current and future energy demand, but also for supporting conservation programs, driving state and local economies and helping the U.S. meet our emissions reduction goals. In 2024, 14% of total U.S. crude oil production and 2% of natural gas production is projected to come from the Gulf of Mexico.

About API

API represents all segments of America’s natural gas and oil industry, which supports nearly 11 million U.S. jobs and is backed by a growing grassroots movement of millions of Americans. Its approximately 600 members produce, process and distribute the majority of the nation’s energy, and participate in API Energy Excellence®, which is accelerating environmental and safety progress by fostering new technologies and transparent reporting. API was formed in 1919 as a standards-setting organization and has developed more than 800 standards to enhance operational and environmental safety, efficiency and sustainability.

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