TGS announces Gigante multibeam, coring and geochemical analysis project
HOUSTON -- TGS has received authorization from Mexico's Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) for the acquisition of multibeam, coring and geochemical analysis data over an area of approximately 600,000 km2 in Mexican waters.
This project will cover the entire deepwater area of the offshore sector of Mexico, including world class producing trends, such as the Perdido Fold Belt and Campeche Bay. This project will be conducted in conjunction with the 186,000 km TGS Gigante seismic survey, which is currently 12% (>22,000 kms) complete.
The multibeam data will be acquired by Fugro, using vessels equipped with the latest generation of multibeam sonar equipment. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data will be used to identify possible oil and gas seep targets for sediment sampling. Over one thousand navigated piston cores will be collected by TDI Brooks International and detailed geochemical analysis will be performed.
Katja Akentieva, senior V.P., Western Hemisphere, TGS, said, "We are pleased to create a portfolio that combines all important geoscience data into one integrated package that can be used to better aid exploration efforts in this region. These data have value from the earliest stages of reconnaissance through the end of the development program. It is a complementary addition to our Gigante regional 2D seismic program that is currently being acquired. Our customers have shown considerable interest in these projects."
TGS will commence acquisition of the multibeam and coring data in the third quarter of 2015, subject to receiving an environmental impact resolution from the Mexican authorities, with expected completion early in the fourth quarter of 2016.
This survey is supported by industry funding.