FPSO Cidade de Itaguaí arrives in Lula field

July 06, 2015

RIO DE JANEIRO -- The floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Cidade de Itaguaí is now anchored in the Iracema Norte area of Lula field, in the pre-salt layer of the Santos basin, off the coast of Rio de Janeiro.

FPSO Cidade de Itaguaí. Image: Petrobras.

The platform-ship is able to produce 150,000 bopd and compress 8 MMcmgd. Oil production in the field is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of this year.

Moored 240 km off the coast of Rio at a water depth of around 2,240 m, Cidade de Itaguaí will be connected to eight production wells and nine injection wells. The natural gas will be exported to shore via a subsea gas pipeline. The unit is also capable of storing 1.6 MMbbl of oil and injecting 264,000 bbl of water per day.

Overall, 65% of Cidade de Itaguaí was produced domestically, and 12 of its modules were built in Brazil: 10 at the EBE shipyard in Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro; and two at the Schahin shipyard in São Sebastião, São Paulo. The modules were integrated at the BrasFELS shipyard in Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro.

The platform-ship was acquired from the Schahin/Modec consortium, which was responsible for converting the hull, constructing and integrating the modules, and operating the unit.

The Iracema Norte area of Lula field is located in exploration Block BM-S-11, in the pre-salt layer of the Santos basin.

BM-S-11 is being developed through a consortium featuring Petrobras (leader and operator, with a 65% stake), BG E&P Brasil Ltda (25%) and Petrogal Brasil SA (10%).

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