Tenaris to supply products and services for Statoil’s Mariner Project

June 22, 2015

ABERDEEN -- Statoil has awarded Tenaris the contract for the supply of casing, tubing and all related services for the Mariner Project.

Discovered in 1981, Mariner is the largest field development on the United Kingdom continental shelf in more than a decade. Estimated to hold approximately 250 MMbbl of recoverable oil, the field is located approximately 150 kM (more than 90 mi) east of the Shetland Isles, and is currently under development by operator Statoil and its co-venturers JX Nippon and Dyas.

Tenaris will be providing TenarisHydril Blue® connections with Dopeless® technology and TenarisHydril Wedge™ connections with Dopeless® technology, together with a full range of services including demand planning, inventory management, delivery to the well, rig returns and repairs that will be managed from Tenaris’s facilities in Aberdeen, UK.

“Tenaris is proud to be part of a project of such scale as Mariner. We’ll work hard to be up to our customer’s expectations in an operation that will take place in one of the most demanding environments. We are committed to delivering a best-in-class service to Statoil and are happy that our extensive portfolio of products and services has given us this opportunity.” said Gabriel Podskubka, Tenaris Eastern Hemisphere Area Manager.

Mariner is estimated to be in production for at least 30 years, with start-up expected in 2017. The oilfield consists of two reservoirs, Heimdal and Maureen, at depths of 1,227 and 1,492 m (approximately 4,000 and 4,900 ft).

According to Statoil, the main Mariner platform will have one drilling rig and one well intervention and completion unit. In addition, a newly built jack-up rig will be located next to the Mariner installation, working through well slots on the platform for the first four years. Over the field’s lifetime, as many as 130 well targets are planned.

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