Petrobras discovers light oil in Carcará area of pre-salt Santos basin

May 30, 2015

RIO DE JANEIRO -- Petrobras has announced that the drilling of the second well in Carcará area (Block BM-S-8), at Santos basin´s ultra-deep waters, confirmed the light oil potential in pre-salt’s reservoirs.

The well 3-SPS-105 (Petrobras nomenclature), informally known as Carcará North, is located in the area of Discovery Evaluation Plan of the discovery well 4-SPS-86B (4-BRSA-971B-SPS - Carcará), 4.6 km north of this well, at water depths of 2,072 m.

The new well has proved the presence of good quality oil (31º API), also in carbonate reservoirs of excellent quality, located below the salt layer, at 5,820-m depth.

The well, still under drilling inside the oil column, has reached 6,178 m depth so far, finding a significant oil column of 352 m in continued and connected reservoirs. The pressure data obtained in such showed that it is the same accumulation of the discovery well.

A formation test is expected at the end of the drilling to evaluate the reservoirs´ productivity. This year the consortium also expects the resume of the drilling of well 3-SPS-104DA (3-BRSA-1216DA-SPS –Carcará Northwest), continuing the scheduled operations under the Discovery Evaluation Plan.

The Discovery Evaluation Plan of Carcará, approved by Brazil´s Nacional Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) is expected to finish by March 2018. Petrobras is the operator of the consortium (66%), in partnership with Petrogal Brasil (14%), Barra Energia do Brasil Petróleo e Gás (10%) and Queiroz Galvão Exploração e Produção S.A. (10%).

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