McDermott delivers riser support structure for Ichthys LNG Project
McDermott delivers riser support structure for Ichthys LNG Project
HOUSTON -- McDermott International has delivered the riser support structure (RSS) for the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project’s subsea umbilical, riser, flowline development.
Through smart engineering, McDermott was able to optimize the design and constructability of the structure that translated into cost savings in both time and materials for the customer. The innovative design concept of the structure was brought to reality by the combined expertise of the company's Singapore-based engineering team and the fabrication facility located on Batam Island, Indonesia.
The RSS, weighing 7,200 ton, connects the field’s subsea infrastructure to a semisubmersible central processing facility. The RSS structure is comprised of a tower, more than 328 ft tall, with an arch 410 ft long, also designed and fabricated by McDermott, which is to be installed at a later date, to support 25 large diameter flexible risers and dynamic umbilicals.
“The RSS accounts for more than 25% of the total 28,700 ton of subsea structures we are fabricating for Ichthys,” explained Tony Duncan, executive V.P. Subsea. “It is an integral piece of the subsea field architecture as all other subsea structures will be installed and oriented relative to its location.”
In addition to the RSS, the facility is undertaking the fabrication of subsea structures including the flow line end terminations, in line tees, manifolds and riser bases.
The Ichthys project awarded to McDermott in 2012 includes EPCI and pre-commissioning of product flowline systems, a Mono Ethylene Glycol injection system, start-up condensate transfer and fuel gas transfer flowline systems, control systems and other associated SURF elements in waters up to 900 ft. McDermott will also install mooring systems for the Floating Production, Storage and Offtake vessel and Central Processing Facility as well as engineering for future flowlines, risers and umbilicals.