Enterprise Products cuts Seaway oil pipeline deliveries to Jones Creek

January 23, 2013

Enterprise Products cuts Seaway oil pipeline deliveries to Jones Creek


HOUSTON -- Enterprise Products Partners cut the amount of oil its Seaway pipeline was delivering to Jones Creek, Texas, by more than half because the delivery point has reached full capacity, the company said in a note to shippers.

The Seaway pipeline would reduce deliveries to 175,000 bopd to the delivery point 7 miles west of Freeport, Texas. The 400,000 bopd pipeline brings crude oil from the Cushing, Okla., storage hub to the Houston refining belt.

Enterprise said the Jones Creek delivery point was experiencing "unforeseen constraints in outbound takeaway." Enterprise, which owns the pipeline with Enbridge Inc., told shippers they must deliver barrels at another delivery point or reduce the amount of oil they ship.

An Enterprise spokesman wasn't immediately able to answer questions about the constraints or when the pipeline might resume normal deliveries.

Dow Jones Newswires

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