Issue: March 2012
World’s first application of fiber-optic CT logging in an openhole completion for an oil well in Saudi Arabia enabled accurate evaluation of well conditions, depth control and monitoring bottomhole parameters, to allow proper placement of WSO fluids into the target zone and isolate water producing intervals.
After China, India is the leading country in the eastern hemisphere, with an enormous economic incentive to explore for oil and gas. Over the last five years, India’s import dependency for crude oil and petroleum products has increased from 71.9% to 76.5%.
Over the last several years, it’s been a rollercoaster existence for the Fayetteville, the second-longest producing shale play in the U.S., exceeded only by the Barnett in North Texas. Since May 2001, there has been natural gas production from the Fayetteville, although drilling did not begin in earnest until 2002 and 2003.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy recently released an in-depth study reviewing over 40 years of carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) research related to mobility and conformance control. This is the first of four articles based on that report.
An extreme HPHT exploratory well reached TD with optimal hole size, using MPD methods to maintain an overbalanced wellbore and handle breathing events.
While optimizing collaboration center utilization, Saudi Aramco has identified key benefits, including delivery of cost-effective, fully integrated, multidisciplinary decisions.
World Oil is pleased to introduce a special section on Geology & Geophysics (G&G). These sections are timed with the major G&G industry conferences: American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) and Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
Geochemical analysis of Eagle Ford oils from First Shot field illustrates how areas with higher thermal maturity have better-quality oils that are both easier to produce and less costly to refine.
Effective field development strategies require operators to know what portion of original resources has not yet been produced. Determining not-yet-produced resources can be a complex challenge when production is commingled from multiple zones. A new technique has been developed that achieves production allocation at a fraction of the cost.
Shrimp boats and icebreakers: No place but Louisiana
(Incentive + Faith) × Momentum = Growth
Into the fracas
Too many variables, too little time… crafting strategy under ambiguity
Harry Smith:
The journey to 83 well logging patents
Oil or eminent domain? China and the Spratlys
The great Alaska shale rush
Shale gas development and the public mind—Educating trogs and smart idiots
Companies in the news
Industry at a glance
Meetings and Events
New products and services
People in industry
Cyprus offers seismic data for licensing round