September 2007
News & Resources

World of Oil

China’s crude production fell in July as heavy rain across the country flooded a number of producing wells. In July, China’s crude production reached 113.6 million barrels of oil, down 1.7% from the same period last year. Floods in the west and east of the country have crippled production at some fields, an industry official said. China’s production has been struggling to fight the natural decline in mature fields, with extra capacity in remote fields in the west just managing to offset the decline. Cambodia has stepped up naval patrols to protect newly discovered fields off the country’s southwestern coast, government officials said. The country has transferred a brigade of troops to its navy and is training the soldiers in marine skills, the Associated Press reported. Yim Sovann, head of the parliament committee on defense and the interior, said the move “responds to the routine need to protect maritime borders ...
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