Gazprom Neft, Halliburton strengthen cooperation for new technologies
MOSCOW -- Gazprom Neft has concluded a technological cooperation agreement with Halliburton International GmbH. The document was signed during this year’s St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, by First Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft, Vadim Yakovlev, and President and CEO of Halliburton, Jeff Miller. The agreement sets out the key principles for joint operations in implementing new technologies in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

Under the terms of the signed agreement, Gazprom Neft and Halliburton will be engaged in adapting technologies for drilling multi-lateral wells under the conditions of Novoportovskoye and East Messoyakhskoye fields in the north of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In addition to this, the two companies will be developing technologies for repeated multi-stage fracturing in horizontal wells in the Noyabrsk district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Using these techniques, both companies will be working to return horizontal wells to productivity and to maintain production levels at mature fields. Optimizing Gazprom Neft’s field development system in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, which will also be carried out jointly with Halliburton, will allow more than 26 million tonnes of oil (production of which is not effective through existing technologies) to be brought into production.
The signing of the agreement also provides for the training of employees over the long term, as well as allowing Gazprom Neft to work directly with Halliburton’s Technology Centers.
CEO and Chairman of the Gazprom Neft Management Board, Alexander Dyukov, commented: “Improving efficiency bringing hard-to-recover reserves into development, implementing major new projects and bringing hard-to-recover reserves into development — all of these areas will determine the future of both Gazprom Neft and the industry, since it is here that the main points for our growth lie. To meet these challenges we are actively collaborating with Russian and international service companies, selecting those cutting-edge technologies most appropriate for our fields. Implementing joint projects with Halliburton has already provided us with technological solutions to the most urgent issues on the production agenda. I am confident that strengthening our relationships with one of the leaders of the global oilfield services market will give new impetus to innovative development within the company and will increase the efficiency of our projects in exploration and production.”