io oil & gas consulting appoints Richard Dyson as CEO

September 27, 2016

LONDON -- io oil & gas consulting, the independent venture backed by GE Oil & Gas and McDermott, has announced the appointment of Richard Dyson as its new CEO. Richard will be based in io’s head office in The Shard, London, and oversee all its global operations including offices in Houston, Texas, and Perth, Western Australia.

Richard Dyson, CEO. Photo: io oil & gas consulting.

As io’s international operations continue to grow, Richard will lead the business in delivering much-needed certainty for clients in the design, planning and execution of their global oil and gas developments. Richard is passionate about effecting transformation in the oil and gas industry, and of finding the new and different ways of working which are paramount for projects to be enabled in this ‘lower for longer’ world.

Richard has previously held various international leadership roles including overseeing work in io’s key markets of Houston and London as well as operating in a broad geographical spread as far afield as Brazil, the Middle East and the Caspian region and Kazakhstan. He has significant experience of leading major feasibility and concept selection studies for IOCs, NOCs and small independent operators.

He says, “I am delighted to be joining io oil & gas consulting and feel privileged to lead a company which is transforming the way the oil and gas industry operates. Our industry needs a company like io, particularly with the level and breadth of uncertainty currently facing the sector, and I look forward to the opportunity of making a lasting difference to the way in which these challenges are addressed in future.

This is evidently a very exciting and interesting time for io: our clients now include IOCs, NOCs, independent operators and governments, and we are operating across a broad cross-section of geographies and projects. I’m looking forward to building on this momentum and driving the business forward into its next phase of development as we approach our second anniversary in January 2017.”

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